People in the Rangeley area that enjoy fishing are lucky to have some of Maine's best landlocked Salmon fishing right in their own backyard.
Paul Nute and wife, Heidi, from Oquossoc, ME recently joined me for a trip on Rangeley
Randy Poulton is seen here with a very nice Mooselook Salmon
I convinced my wife, Gail, to join me on an early morning trip on Rangeley. 2 hours later she had boated 7 beautiful salmon and I thought I might suggest heading in with one beauty that we would share for dinner that night. I also thought it would be a great time to grab another cup of hot coffee as it was a chilly Spring morning. Gail came back at me with something that may be the quote of the year. "Hell No, the fish are biting. We are staying a while longer".
Even with a bad knee Ken from Connecticut was able to land one of these 2 beauties. Ken and his wife Brenda have fished with me for a number of years. Some people are lucky but Ken and Brenda defy the odds. They take quality fish with me every time out.